As reported on CBC here, representatives of the Bus Stop, Eyelevel and the 1588 Barrington Bldg Preservation Society were invited to talk to the provincial government’s standing committee on community services. The topic of discussion was arts funding and all three organizations made it very clear that the decade long freeze on operating funding to arts organizations needs to stop and that investments are needed in our region’s rapidly diminishing inventory of small pieces of arts infrastructure.
Sébastien Labelle, ED of the Bus Stop Theatre Co-op, spoke eloquently during this meeting and encourages any of our members to contact the NS Minister of Communities, Culture and Heritage to echo this message. Our government needs to here from more than just three organizations.
You can email Minister Leo Glavine at
We encourage you to also CC Craig Beaton, Director of Culture and Development, at and Chris Shore, Director of Programs, at
You can view an archived video recording of the presentation to the committee on the Leg TV Youtube channel.