Annual General Meeting!

Monday, March 21st 6PM

We’ve been saying it for the last 3 years but… WHAT A YEAR!!

COVID has sent many wrenches flying into our gears over the last year, impacting both our operations and our renovation project. However, thanks to much support, we are making it through! Our renovation project will be almost complete by the time of this AGM and we’ll be taking you on a little video tour of the most recent changes.

We need you in attendance! We’ll keep it short and sweet

It’s imperative that we have high membership attendance at our AGM (at least 50%) in order to make crucial changes to our bylaws and to elect our new board of directors. We will be keeping the business portion of this meeting brief and to the point (with informal time for additional questions and discussion afterwards).

Please take a moment to register:

Members must register in advance to receive the AGM meeting link and attend. Each registered member will also be entered into a draw to win a DOOR PRIZE!! The winner can choose between a FREE Company Level membership for 2022 OR a FREE day’s rental at the Bus Stop Theatre!

Please note that Company members must register their chosen voting representative at the meeting. Multiple persons may attend as observers on behalf of a Company member, however only one person can be registered as the voting representative.