Note: This calendar is not a reflection of our current availability for rentals. For our rental calendar, please see the calendar at the bottom of this page.
Queer Variety | PG13
Acts ranging from Drag, to dance, to music, to burlesque, to presentations, Digital works, talks, stories and more. What can’t we do?
NonBinary or any gender diverse identity including, but not limited to Two-Spirit, Genderfluid, Agender, Intersex, Bigender, Demigender, Genderflux, Genderqueer, Neutrois, Polygender, Queer, Transfemme, Transmasc +
@peri.winkle.drag for more details.
Note: This calendar is not a reflection of our current availability for rentals. For our rental calendar, please see the calendar at the bottom of this page.