Rehearsal Space Program Agreement

The Rehearsal Space Program (RSP) is available to anyone with a Company Level Membership. The RSP gives members the opportunity to use the Bus Stop Theatre or Community Room for rehearsal purposes for free. If you are interested in using the program, please read the following:

  1. The Rehearsal Space Program (RSP) may only be booked up to 10 days in advance, and is subject to change. The renter will be notified immediately if so.
  2. A Bus Stop employee will meet the renter to let them into the Bus Stop Theatre, or there will be a code given to the renter to access a key lock box. Please indicate if you are unfamiliar with the space, in which case an employee will give you a tour.
  3. The renter is welcome to use the sound system to play music. If you wish to use the sound system, please include this in your request to use the space so that a Bus Stop employee may be on hand when you arrive to show you how to properly set it up.
  4. Theatre lights are not to be used during the RSP. For use of theatrical lights, please contact the Bus Stop Theatre and rent the space.
  5. The space is to be returned to neutral at the end of use. Please allow time at the end of the rental to do this. This includes:
    • Returning all chairs, acting blocks, etc. to their places
    • Sweeping the floor
    • Washing any dishes
    • Ensure all lights are turned off.
    • If using the sound system, ensure the speakers are turned off.
    • All items are removed from the dressing room or community room fridge.
    • The renter is welcome to use any items in the cleaning closet (broom, mop, garbage bag, etc.) to assist in returning the space to neutral.
  6. If the space is not returned to neutral, please be advised that a $70 cleaning fee will be charged.

To book the Rehearsal Space Program, please email