LADY Pop Up Gift Shop: Call for Vendors

Delighted to invite you to sell your goods at this week long Pop-Up Shop December 14 – 21st. During those last cold days before the holidays we will turn the Bus Stop Theatre lobby into a beautiful space, host a cafe, gallery, and retail shop.

Interested in being a vendor

Know someone who’d want to play too?
Feel free to forward this email and info.

To participate in LADY a fee of $ 40.00 per designer will be required. This will cover the initial setup costs such as venue rental, packaging and promotional material for shop. As well as the participation fee, LADY will be taking an additional 30% consignment fee to cover costs. So as a designer this means you will collect 70% of your total sales over the 10 days.
Attendance at the shop is by no means mandatory, although it is very welcome. We will be taking care of all staffing and accounting responsibilities. Each artist will be paid out on the 24th. We know that this is a very busy time of year for everyone so we want to make it as easy and convenient as possible.

The pop up event will run from December 14 to December 21st, from Noon – 8pm